昆虫/线虫组学小组主要工作是利用组学手段和数据去研究苏云金芽胞杆菌(Bacillus thuringiensis,简称Bt)对昆虫/线虫的作用机制,我们想要探索在Bt侵染昆虫/线虫的过程中Bt和昆虫/线虫之间的博弈——Bt怎样去侵染昆虫/线虫,昆虫/线虫怎样去防御Bt的入侵,Bt又是如何逃避或者击败了昆虫/线虫的免疫系统,最终杀死昆虫/线虫。
Our group is studying the interaction between Bt and insects or nematodes. When Bt meet insects or nematodes, how insects or netodes immune Bt,and how Bt defeated their immune function. These question are what we are interested. We are studying these problems using the data of their genome, transcriptome, proteome, metabolome, and our final taget is to figure out what happened when Bt injected insects or nematodes.